Ibogaine Treatment Centers -Tabula Rasa Retreat

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Ibogaine as Mentor in “Hero of a Thousand Faces.”

Each human journey may well have different plot twists and turns specific to each individual life, but as far as humanity in general, and how we act out our own stories from birth to death are concerned, our individual journeys are what are called “archetypal”.

The term was coined in the writing and thought of Carl Gustav Jung, the 20th century founding father of analytical psychology.

To say that any person’s path through life is archetypal is to say that there are common life events for us all.

The diversity of ways in which we react to these common plot twists and eventually change in our respective narratives, though contextually different for each person, are a universal: they are unflinchingly the same for us all.

Noticing this, and aspects of mythology in storytelling, Joseph Campbell, an American writer, and professor of literature, wrote “The Hero of a Thousand Faces” in 1949; a book which remains as relevant today as it was then.

Because despite the evolution in how we live our lives, the structure of each human story remains unchanged. We are meant to feel connected, meaningful. But society has evolved to a fever pitch of sorts, which keeps us locked in survival mode, coping through drugs, alcohol, toxic relationships, or food.

Ibogaine helps with drug addiction

To better illustrate the point, it is useful to think of your own life as a film you would see in a movie theatre. So, sit down and be amazed at how similar the structure (not the content) of your story is to the next person’s.

Think about it this way. The Hero wakes up one day, and we see her/him in their normal, everyday life. As we watch them go about it, we begin to realize that something is amiss for the Hero. There is something she or he wants that they do not have.

To make the analogy clear, let us step away from the movie and have a quick look at your current situation in life, this thing you are lacking or needing to move forward.

This thing that you are missing, is likely the thing that you came to us at Tabula Rasa Retreat ™ to help you find or resolve with our ibogaine treatment: a deep insight into yourself and your habits as provided by West African plant medicine, an extract of the Tabernanthe Iboga tree bark, which is especially helpful in halting both withdrawal from opiates and cravings for opiates or other substances such as alcohol.;

Ibogaine as More Than Addiction-Breaker

What you are seeking freedom from is not limited to alcohol or drugs. Ibogaine can help unblock your own inner resistance to change, and our clients come to us for help across many situations, and these can be anything: seeking freedom from your addictions, to heal past wounds, to move on from a traumatic event or undesired situation holding you back; to find your purpose in life…whichever the goal, the outcome is the same—your current, present life no longer suits you.

Back in the movie theatre, we have reached the moment in the film where a particular event happens that makes the Hero realize they can either continue as is, and grin and bear the fact that they will remain “stuck” in a reality that no longer serves them; or then, by virtue of the event that serves as the tipping point for change, they can accept what Campbell termed “the call to action,” and begin the journey to get the Thing They Want.

All the challenges the Hero will face to get what he or she wants will make them either strengthen or weaken their resolve to fight for their ultimate goal–“the Ultimate Boon.” They will be forced to leave their normal world and be presented with demanding situations they must survive; they will always be up against an antagonist—someone or something that “wants” them to fail at their mission; to not change or ruffle feathers; to stay the same.

Throughout the Hero’s journey, they will meet both allies and friends that facilitate the achievement of their goal, and they will also meet tricksters who they think they can trust but really cannot.

Ibogaine as Mentor

They will also meet a supernatural aid or mentor, usually in the form of either a being wiser than them, who teaches them what they must know to go up against the antagonist—think Yoda in Star Wars, for example—or help in the form of some kind of new information, perhaps even an ethereal being from the spirit world, or simply a friend.

In the treatments we do here at Tabula Rasa Retreat we help people help themselves.

Ibogaine therapy is used to induce a prolonged phase of lucid dreaming, and stir up repressed memories or emotions, like a friendly guide reminding us of where the internal work needs to happen.nbsp;

To read more about what Ibogaine is and what it does for you, give us a call or write us an email, and we’ll be glad to help!

Once prepared, the Hero will have his or her ultimate confrontation with “the thing they fear:” that which they may have been hiding from for a long time.

In the end, they will either win, and become a new person, enjoying their hard-earned victory over the antagonist (or forces) opposing their change; or they may realize they must better prepare themselves for “the sequel;” they must train more, and be clearer in their intent to do better next time—but at any rate, they will have learned and gained valuable knowledge regardless of the outcome.

Throughout this enigmatic yet archetypal story called life, you are The Hero. You want something you lack; a part is missing.

Tabula Rasa Retreat ™ is your Ally

And Ibogaine, from the bark of the sacred wood, is your Mentor, who will point out to you the parts of your personality that need the most work, like a friendly guide.

You are about to embark on a journey from which you will no doubt emerge a different person.

This very archetype, this “unchanging story structure” in life and art, fact and fiction, is indelibly the same for us all—we are born, we struggle to survive and be the best we possibly can, sometimes succeeding, other times failing, and then we die—this, fellow travelers, is what Campbell called the human “monomyth.”

And this monomyth is not only yours; it belongs to the very person sitting next to you, and in turn, to the one next them, extending to every single person you both know or will never even meet. No matter how different we all are, our monomyth is identical. It is part of our collective subconscious and is the terrestrial quest for meaning.

Welcome to The Hero’s Journey, you! Congratulations for being here.

Seek freedom from your addictions. Treat your opioid dependence with a single, highly effective ibogaine ceremony in one of Europe’s leading Ibogaine retreats:

Tabula Rasa Retreat

For further information visit www.tabularasaretreat.com or call PT +351 965 751 649 UK +44 7961 355 530

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